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Sunday, July 12, 2009

Exams were just over. Thats why I haven't been blogging. Well finally after..[counts in head]..sooo long I am finally going out for a proper family party..WOOHOO! I did my hair, got all prim and proper looking. It felt.. GOOOD.
This is what I had looked like..Sadly my hair has gone back to its old curly-self. Jesus, it looks horrible now.

When I got to party, there were a hell-lotta fans EVERYWHERE. I had to greet everyone with my hands on my head making sure my hair wouldn't start flying all over the place.
Me and my cousins had found a way to make the fans useful.. like this..

Yes, we stood infront of the fan and we snapped pictures while it was blowing our hair.Marvelous idea isnt it? We were such cam whores.. We even posed and asked the photographer to take a picture. And it was a nice picture.

There were more pictures but I malas want to put it on..

[remember everythings easy peesy lemon squeezy]
Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The world is cruel. Totally and completely cruel.
Michael Jackson is dead, yes we are sad. I am REALLY sad.
Arent we all?
Ofcourse we are.
Everywhere we look, we will see his picture on the front cover of every magazine and newspaper.
The thing I hate most is.. why does he get publicity only when he's dead?
Why didn't he get this sort of coverage when he was alive and moving about?
The only fcuking shit he got were.. law suits after law suits after law suits.
And did the bloody people care?
They were squeezing every last penny outta him. Why SHOULD they care?
I mean it should have been called a get-rich-quick scheme.
Molesting children.. sexually harassing them?
He had made it so fcuking clear that he slept on the floor and lived his life to put a smile on a childs face.
For god sakes, he helped the freaking misrable kid who was dying of "cancer".
Excuse me for being rude, but if I am rude.. what are the people out there throwing allegations in his face, saying..
"OMG.he completely sexually molested my kid."
And the kids like.. "No he didn't"
And the dads like.." Shut up son, the cameras are rolling. Just say he did so we can get all his money and I will buy Neverland over for you."
"Ok daddy." [to the camera] "Yes, MJ did sexually molest me, even if I dont even know what that means."
Well damn you people!
But I dont damn the people who actually cared for him from the beginning to the end. When those damned people say RIP MJ, what they really mean is" sit back and watch how I make your death into publicity and get lots and lots of money, and theres nothing you can do about it cause YOUR DEAD!"
Vatsala called me earlier today and said to check out this L.King CNN thing. It was about Larry King going to Neverland and filming about what it was all about and shit like that. But hey! Neverland just wasn't enough, they had to capture MJ's ghost moonwalking across the floor in his masterbedroom or something like that. And when it was released, millions of people said "Hey its MJ.HAHA!" or "Its one of the kids who died while he molested them."
First you say RIP, then you're saying he is back to haunt kids..
Luckily they posted another newscast thingy on Larry King and explained that it was the shadow of one of the crew members who explored the house.
And now everyones back to I LOVE U MJ! RIP.
I just saw the THS Michael Jackson and what he went through no one will ever know.
Whatever it is, I know that he will live on as an icon NOT a sexual molester dude..
Exams sucked.
So does our country.
Damn you kerajaan for changing everything back into BM..sure go ahead think of all your stupid Natans who cant get into good schools cause they are just so god fcuking dumb.
Today was a frustrating day.
I still love you MJ. Rock on!
[remember the world sucks]
Friday, July 3, 2009

I am wiped out. Completely and utterly exhausted..

Pn.Azira gave us 500 lines of "Saya akan menyampaikan latihan yang diberi dengan segera".

Stupid woman.
Atleast let us pass up after exams la. This one, she wants it on the first day.
I have no time to study!!
And I have my art folio to do
And my maths h/w
And my science h/w.


[remember everythings not easy peesy lemon squeezy]
Wednesday, July 1, 2009

One of the best movies I have watched. My second favourite after Titanic. As usual, I cried my eyes out. I could have sunken the Titanic again. Sigh..

Here's a little bit about it, since I didn't do anything life changing today.
[Though watching the movie did make me have a new perspective on life.]

A young boy stumbles upon a simple way to change the world in this drama. Trevor (Haley Joel Osment) is a bright 11-year-old boy who comes from a troubled home; his mother Arlene (Helen Hunt) is an alcoholic trying to hold down two jobs to support her son, while Trevor's father Jon Bon Jovi) left his family behind some time ago. At school, Trevor's class is introduced to their new social studies teacher, Mr. Simonet (Kevin Spacey), a guarded man with severe facial scars. Simonet gives his class an unusual assignment -- think up a practical way to make the world a better place, and put it into action. Trevor comes up with the notion of Pay It Forward" -- do a needed favor for three different people without being asked, and then ask them to do the same for three others. Trevor starts by letting Jerry (James Caviezal), a junkie living on the streets, stay in his home. Next, he tries to fix Arlene up with Mr. Simonet, since both seem to be lonely and the clean and sober teacher might help Arlene stay away from alcohol. Finally, he tries to rescue one of his schoolmates, who is constantly tormented by bullies. Meanwhile, journalist Chris Chandler (Jay Mohr) finds himself stuck on the road without a car late one night when a man stops and give him the keys to a new car, asking him only to pay the favor forward to someone else; astonished, Chris wants to find out where this philosophy came from.

A truly touching story.
A must watch.

I wanna sleep. [yawns]

[remember everythings easy peesy lemon squeezy]